Give Online
Please click here to make a gift online.
Give By Mail
Mail a check to:
Emily K Center
904 West Chapel Hill Street
Durham, NC 27701
Start A Recurring Gift
From our online giving page, you can set up a monthly recurring gift. This is an easy, great way to increase your support of the Center.
Make A Pledge
Pledge your support to the Center and plan to pay over time. To discuss pledge options, please contact us.
Donate Cryptocurrency
The Center is excited to now be able to accept gifts of cryptocurrency. Please click here to be directed to our crypto giving page, powered by Engiven.
Donate Stock
We are happy to accept gifts of stock and other securities. Please contact the advancement office to confirm account information and notify us of the transfer before initiating the transaction.
Include Us In Your Will
It is easy to include the Center in your will or as a partial beneficiary of a retirement or insurance plan. By doing so, you are making an incredible show of support for our work. For planned giving information or to let us know you have included the Center, please contact us.
Provide An In-Kind Good Or Service
From donated school supplies and fresh produce, to tech support and photography, we are grateful to the many individuals and organizations who make in-kind donations to the Center each year.
Sponsor The Center
We are happy to tailor a sponsorship opportunity to best meet the needs of your company or organization. From special event sponsorships to Center-level sponsorships, we have opportunities for any size business. Let’s talk!
Start A Fundraiser
Facebook, GoFundMe, and other online platforms have made it easier than ever to raise money for your favorite nonprofit. Celebrate your birthday, add meaning to your marathon training miles, or simply start a fundraiser just because you can. We are grateful for your support.