
Emily K Center Receives Grant from Duke Energy Foundation

April 17, 2020

The Emily Krzyzewski Center was recently awarded a generous $14,500 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation. The grant funding is in support of the Center’s Pioneer Scholars Summer Scholars program. Summer Scholars ensures that students in the Center’s elementary and middle school program, Pioneer Scholars, continue making academic gains during the summer. Duke Energy’s focus on preventing summer learning loss with an emphasis on math, literacy, and STEM subjects was a natural fit for this program that sees students rotate through academic blocks covering these exact topics each day.

In light of the challenging times, Duke Energy announced that nonprofits would be able to use their grant funding to help cover operating expenses, if needed. “The nonprofit community is essential to the well-being and success of our state,” said Stephen De May, Duke Energy North Carolina president. “We are grateful for their work to serve our communities and provide equal opportunities to students.”

Adam Eigenrauch, executive director of the Emily K Center, expresses his appreciation for the Duke Energy Foundation’s support, “Partners like the Duke Energy Foundation are critical to our success. Their investment in the community and in our students allows us to provide needed programming that makes a difference in students’ lives. Additionally, their decision to allow nonprofits to transition their grant funding to cover operating expenses if needed is the ultimate display of putting North Carolina communities first. These past few weeks have been unlike anything we have seen, and we are grateful that Duke Energy recognizes the challenges ahead.”